I have a list containing 6 plots, made like this:
plist<-llply(voi, function(v,df,s) {
list( assign(paste(v,'.violin'), bwplot(groupname~df[,which(colnames(df)==v)]|fCycle*fPhase, data=df, groups=groupname, col=rainbow(1), box.ratio=3,
main=paste('Distribution of ', v, ' by Treatment and Cycle'),sub=s, xlab=v, panel=panel.violin)),
assign(paste(v,'.hexbin'),hexbinplot(df[,which(colnames(df)==v)]~starttime|groupname, data=df,
xlab='Time(s)',main= paste('Distribution of ',v,' by Treatment'),sub=s,ylab=v,
aspect=0.5, colramp=redgrad.pal, layout=c(2,4)))
If I print the list, print(plist)
, the plots are output to the graphical device, then the indices are output to the console resulting in this:
Because I am coding a webapp, I need to control console output quite strictly. So far the only way I can output the plots without outputting the indices is like this:
for(p in plist) for(i in p) print(i)
Is there a more efficient way of getting what I need?