How do I find what string is to be put in my ASP.NET application config file in the 'driver' attribute for the dataAccess node? So here is the node to be clear:
<add name="somenamehere" driver="I want to know what goes in here???" connectionStringName="somenamehere"/
Its a MS SQL Server 2008. I am sorry if this has been answered elsewhere. I am trying locating the driver in my SQL server installation directory but still havent found any. Any help would be appreciated.
I have that already in my application web config. I was tring to add a new ms sql server 2008 database entry inside the dataAccess node of my config file and not the connections string node. I have already enetered the conn string at the right plce in the config file. I hope that I am clear.
This is a special config file and not just a regular asp.net web.config file. This config file works with a content management system. It has a node for connectionString where I have put in a proper string. I want to be able to make my database act as a source for this CMS. So I am trying to provide a driver in the 'dataAccess' nodes section of the config file.