I have debugged this legacy code, and would like a sanity check on it.
The purpose of it is to allow someone to choose a delivery frequency for shipping a product. If someone wants their product Every Other Week, the system needs to determine if they should get an order next week, or two weeks from now. We call it A week, or B Week.
Keep in mind I did not write this, I am just trying to make sense of it and would like some help evaluating its accuracy:
if (date("l") == "Monday" ) {
$start = 0;
} else if (date("l") == "Tuesday" || date("l") == "Wednesday" || date("l") == "Thursday" || date("l") == "Friday" || date("l") == "Saturday"|| date("l") == "Sunday") {
$start = -1;
// if changing to every other week set to next week's a/b-ness
$a_week_tid = 34;
$b_week_tid = 35;
$every_other_week_frequency_id = 32;
if ($delivery_frequency == $every_other_week_frequency_id) {
$julian = (int) (strtotime('Monday +' . $start . ' week') / 86400);
$julian_week = ($julian-4) / 7;
if ($julian_week % 2) {
$today_a_or_b = $b_week_tid;
$next_week_a_or_b = $a_week_tid;
$a_or_b_week_string = '(A Week)';
} else {
$today_a_or_b = $a_week_tid;
$next_week_a_or_b = $b_week_tid;
$a_or_b_week_string = '(B Week)';
} else {
$next_week_a_or_b = NULL;
$a_or_b_week_string = NULL;
This code is not commented or documented. The part that confuses me is:
- Why is 4 subtracted from Julian, then divided by 7?
- If today is Monday, $julian_week is 2129, and 2129 % 2 evaluates TRUE. Is that correct?
- Is this even how it should be done? Can't I rewrite this using date('w') a lot easier?