I have multiple instances of people entities which are often times the same person. Where the address First-Last is the same at the same address, it's a no-brainer to merge/rollup them.
However, due to data entry inconsistencies, there must be a way to deviate a bit from the exactness. I think the credit card industry does this a little bit: zip plus street number, or street name? ...something of that nature.
In order to solidify my matching, I cleaned up the address strings, trying to make them as standard as possible ("Hwy" --> "Highway", etc.).
I need something that still will make matches on records that would look obvious to a person just by glancing at them, but fails to have exactly matching data.
Here is my initial thought, concatenate a string made up of the following:
First Initial
LEFT8 of the LastName (allows inconsistent endings, such as "Esq." or "CPA")
LEFT3 of Zip
Street Number
LEFT8 of the StreetName (not Addr1 -- "Oak" for "8 N Oak Street")
Did I miss something here? I think I made it loose enough to overcome normal data entry inconsistencies, but tight enough to avoid incorrect matches.