I'm doing some inline editing on the jqgrid. The client wants a confirmation dialog to appear that the user really wanted to save the changes made (similar to how delete works). In looking at http://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/blob/master/js/grid.inlinedit.js I've noticed that the editRow command takes these parameters.
table.jqGrid('editRow', id, true/keys/, function(){alert('1');}/oneditfunc/, function(){alert('1.5'); return false;}/successfunc/, null/url/, null/extraparam/, function(){alert('2');}/aftersave/, function(){alert('3');}/error/, function(){alert('4');}/afterrestore/);
when i start editing the oneditfunc gets called. after the post to the server successfunc get's called and then afterrestore gets called. It seems that there should be a beforeSave or something like that?
These parameters get used and sent to the saveRow function. It doesn't look like there is anywhere where I can inject a method to abort the sending of the data or popup a the modal window to confirm the changes being made.
Is this oversight on my part or is this some functionality that I'll have to bake into the jqgrid?