I doubt you're going to notice much of a performance issue in choice of primary key. Your bottlenecks will be somewhere else, almost guaranteed.
By default, I recommend just using an auto-increment primary key. This makes sense -- you will know which order records were inserted in at a glance, so you can more easily delete them if test data, etc. Also, it's easier to recite a number than a 32 char UUID. So usability goes to auto incremented INTs.
So when would you use an UUID? Any situation where you want to make sure that the key is globally unique (or pretty darn near it). One example would be on a sharded database; db1 and db2. You can't use auto increment INTs, because then you could end up having 2 records (one in db1, one in db2) that have the same primary key, which will lead to nightmares if you ever need to combine or reshard. So that's one example when using an UUID is necessary.
But generally just stick with auto incremented INTs. It just makes life better.