Hi Guys,
I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 Web Application (.NET 4, C#), where user's can search for locations.
The page is implemented with an auto-complete box, similar to many websites. (Google, YouTube, etc)
Now, the AJAX call to the server results in a Stored Procedure call to the database. (whilst efficient, could result in a lot of round-trips for slow typers).
I'm wondering how i can create a strategy to cache the result of say the last 100 searches?
I can't use OutputCache, as the call is made via AJAX on the client-side. I need to cache the output of the stored procedure (list of matched locations for a querytext).
In other words, a lot of people will search for "New York", or "San Francisco", and this data only changes via a manual admin change (where we could invalidate the cache manually, for example).
So, how could i cache the last 100 searches? I was hoping for a FIFO-like functionality, where if the cache already had 100 searches, the oldest one gets thrown away and everything get's moved down.
I want the code to be something like this:
public ICollection<MatchedLocation> FindLocations(string queryText)
// Check last 100 searches.. How?
string cacheKey = queryText;
var matchedLocations = cachedPersistence.Get(cacheKey);
if (matchedLocations == null)
// Call db
matchedLocations = dbPersistence.GetLocations(queryText);
// Add to cache
cachedPersistence.Add(cacheKey, matchedLocations);
// Found in Cache! Awesome!
return matchedLocations;
I'm thinking the obvious choice would be a .NET Queue?
But i've never used that before, so any advice? How would i implement concurrency for the get/set, Would i need to use a fully-locked Singleton? Has anyone used a Queue for this purpose? What other options do we have? I would almost need a custom queue, to limit the number of items in the stack.
Thanks for your help.