



Do you know web site or book for Design patterns skill test?

+3  A: 

Are you looking to give a test, or prepare for a test? If you're starting with design patterns, the "Gang of Four Book" ( ) is really a classic.

If you're giving a test, as a part of an interview or something, I'd try to avoid asking people to "demonstrate such and such a design pattern". It's just not realistic. Give them a white board and a pen, and ask them to "lay out an inventory management system that does these things...". You'll get a better idea of how they think of problems that way.

Although is it useful advice it is not an answer
My opinion on patterns related interview question is that you should ask: "Tell which patterns did you use recently? How did they helped you?"
Well, I only have an answer for one potential question, "what's a book that can prepare me for a design patterns test?" But as far as interviews go, lots of people can name patterns, and the answer to "How did they help you" should ALWAYS be, "My system performed as intended". There's really no substitute for actually watching someone solve a problem.