I'm using the NumericUpDownExtender control, but my buttons on the side of the textbox are bigger then my textbox, is there a way to make the buttons the same height as my textbox?
Edit: I found my problem. I was using the standard buttons, which can't be handled?. Now I've created custom ones, but they won't appear on each other, but next to each other.
my code:
<asp:TextBox ID="txtHerst" runat="server" Text="0" Style="text-align: center"></asp:TextBox><cc1:NumericUpDownExtender ID="extHerst" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtHerst"
Width="50" Enabled="True" Maximum="1.7976931348623157E+308" Minimum="-1.7976931348623157E+308"
RefValues="" ServiceDownMethod="" ServiceDownPath="" ServiceUpMethod="" Tag=""
TargetButtonDownID="imgBtnDown" TargetButtonUpID="imgBtnUp"></cc1:NumericUpDownExtender><asp:ImageButton ID="imgBtnUp" runat="server" ImageUrl="Images/up.jpg" /><asp:ImageButton ID="imgBtnDown" runat="server" ImageUrl="Images/down.jpg" />`