



In my Cpanel account in Daily Process Log I can see that my zend framework application load CPU very much

Top Process %CPU 182 /usr/bin/php /home/*******/public_html/index.php

But any requests to ZF application goes by index.php (with rewrite rule for Apache) Is it possible to find out what request (url) load CPU?


I think this helps:

ZFDebug - a debug bar for Zend Framework

ZFDebud doesn't help - I don't know what module load CPU. In most cases that load means that request to server is incorrect. For example I got high load when site was under XSS atack and requests to server was cp1251 encoded (ZF use UTF8) - filtering inputs data takes some minutes for standart zend filters to parse wrong-encoded data. So first task is to find which request makes the problen. After this I can use zend_deruger or ZFdebug bar to fix it.
And in cpanel I have this information but it shows me path to script that is always the same.Also i can accept time of load, than I can find unusual request in apache logs