




i apologize for being unclear. i have a textbox and a button a form. when the button is clicked it runs this saved access query:

select * from sqlservertable where field=form!textbox.value

i have an access front end and sql server back end.

this query is not working. it doesnt like me passing this parameter form!textbox.text. is there an alternate way to pass the value of the textbox?

+1  A: 

Have you tried setting the RecordSource property on the form (from code) with:

Form.RecordSource = "SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE [Occurrence Date] BETWEEN " & Text1 & " AND " & Text2
Vidar Nordnes
@vidar thanks for your answer. ive rephrased my question. please let me know if i can clarify anythign else
i am a girl
Try Me!Textbox instead of form!textbox.text
Vidar Nordnes
Also, if you're doing this by code I think you need to do a Me.Requery
Vidar Nordnes
@vidar: at which point woudl i do the requery? it is working perfectly fine when the data is in access, not sql-server
i am a girl
After you've set the recordsource in code
Vidar Nordnes
+2  A: 

The .Text property of an Access control is available only what that control has the focus.

Secondly, in Access, you refer to forms as members of the Forms collection, i.e., the collection of open forms.

So, you use:


Without specifying the Forms collection as the container object for the form, the Access expression service won't know where to find the control.

And as .Value is the default property of controls, you don't need to specify it, though if you want to be really picky and explicit and type more characters for no actual benefit in this context, you could use:


But that won't behave any differently at all in this context (the only situation where it will is if you're trying to force evaluation of the control before passing it as a parameter of a subrountine, in which case without .Value you may end up passing a control reference instead of the value, which could be bad or it could be fine).

@david thanks so much for your help. i worded my question incorrectly by saying that i was passing the TEXT property, i was actually indeed passing the VALUE property and it wasnt working
i am a girl
But you weren't using the Forms collection.