



Hi, I have a script that is running every 5 seconds, as a polling ajax http request.

I want to send an incrementing amount through it, on each request (1,2,3,4,5,6 etc...)

I have this so far, but the code just sends '1' through all the time.

// set the value to 1
   var state = {
    recordId: 1

      url: "map-service.cfc?method=getpoints",
      type: "POST",
            data: state,
      dataType: "json",
      successCondition: function(location) {
         // return result != null; // custom condition goes here.

   // increment it by 1
   state.recordId = state.recordId +1 


Does anyone know how to submit an increasing value through the 'data' param in the POST?


You have to make sure you are not setting the state.recordId over and over again each time you execute the function that calls the .ajaxPoll() method. state = ... should be in a parent scope of the function that runs .ajaxPoll() maybe something like this:

(function() {        // <== Our scope

    // set the value to 1 only once!
    var state = {
        recordId: 1

    // The function that runs the poll. Do not set recordId to 1 inside here!
    var callPoll = function() {

            url: "map-service.cfc?method=getpoints",
            type: "POST",
                data: state,               // state.recordId will be 1, 2, 3, ...
            dataType: "json",
            successCondition: function(location) {
                // return result != null;          // custom condition goes here.

                // increment it by 1
                state.recordId = state.recordId +1 


    $(function() {  // <== on doc ready 

        // Your functionality etc...... for example:
        setInterval(callPoll, 1000);

}());              // <== Execute the anonymous function we're using as our scope
Peter Ajtai

Probably a copy of state object is closed inside the anonymous function which will always start with it's initial value unless the changes are made outside of closure before it's closed/created. For verification just replace that incremental line with following

window.recordId = window.recordId + 1 // Making it global variable 

You can find a very basic introduction to closures here

Can you pass state object as a variable to successCondition anonymous function? That way you will always get the actual copy


You could also set a data variable to the document or body and increment that.

$('body').data('recordId', 1);

   url: "map-service.cfc?method=getpoints",
   type: "POST",
   data: {recordId: $('body').data('recordId')},
   dataType: "json",
   successCondition: function(location) {
     // return result != null; // custom condition goes here.
     // increment it by 1
     newRecord = $('body').data('recordId');
     $('body').data('recordId', newRecord+1);