I am using Crystal reports for Visual Studio 2010 beta 2. After upgrading my project from using Crystal reports 12.1 to 2010, it started showing up set Connection dialog. I am using oledb connection for reports while designing, the following code was working with Crystal 2008. I am using Visual Studio 2010 with Target Framework as 2.0
Any help is appreciated..
private bool SetReportConnections(ReportDocument oReport, string server, string db)
if (!oReport.IsSubreport)
foreach (ParameterField pf in oReport.ParameterFields)
foreach (CrystalDecisions.Shared.IConnectionInfo cInfo in oReport.DataSourceConnections)
cInfo.SetConnection(server, db, true);
foreach (Table table in oReport.Database.Tables)
table.LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = db;
table.LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = server;
table.LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.IntegratedSecurity = true;
//table.Location = table.Location;
foreach(ReportDocument subReport in oReport.Subreports)
if(!SetReportConnections(subReport,server, db)) return false;
return true;