Im using the docbook2dita.xsl from the DITA open toolkit (although I had to modify it to xsl version 2.0) To convert my .xml files orginally created in docbook over to DITA now. A weird issue that I'm running into is the tags' contents are not being preserved:
<para xreflabel="New Consent Type" id="manageNewConsentType">
<xref linkend="startPage"/>
<xref linkend="middle"/>
<xref linkend="end"/></para>
<para id="manageNewConsentType">
<xref href=""/>
<xref href=""/>
<xref href=""/>
What should I do to ensure that xrefs and @attribute xreflabel are preserved?
EDIT: Note only some <para>
tags have @xreflabel and @id. The ones with these attributes need to be preserved ans well as the xref they contain. But attributeless <para>
need to still pass through the docbook2dita.xsl so that if they contains this link media objects which contain an image, these are rightfully transformed to simple <image>