Is anyone able to provide some pointers on how I can notify my Delphi application that a particular record in my MySQL database has changed? Something along the lines of the event system from Interbase?
Ideas I have looked at:
.: Q4M :. (http://q4m.31tools.com/)
Pros: Native MySQL solution requiring no external daemons Cons: No Win32 build exists due to it using Posix calls specific to Linux
.: MySQL Message API :. (http://messagequeue.lenoxway.net/)
Pros: Robust (using spread.org) Cons: No Win32 binary. Additional configuration and daemon(s) of spread.org required
.: Custom User Defined Function :.
I am attempting to write a UDF that can use the Win32 API PostMessage() so send a windows message to a simple socket server.
Pros: Integrated (albeit with external DLL dependency) with MySQL. Can be customised to my needs Cons: I cannot get it to work (See post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3983787/mysql-user-defined-function-to-send-a-windows-message). This may be because MySQL is running as a service
Any pointers, ideas etc. greatly appreciated.