I'm popping up a ListBox over a TextBox. I set ListBox.Parent to be the DataGrdiView that houses the TextBox (which is the edit control for a DataGridViewCell).
I add string items to ListBox.Items, then I set ListBox.Location, ListBox.Width, ListBox.Height, and ListBox.Visible (to true).
All of that works fine.
But I can't set focus to the ListBox. I want to allow the user to choose an item in the list using his keyboard (cursor keys, etc.), so I do ListBox.Focus(), but that has no effect. The focus remains on the TextBox.
Here's my code:
private void textBox_KeyPress(object _sender, KeyPressEventArgs _e) {
if ('`' == _e.KeyChar) {
DataGridViewCell cell = listBox.Tag as DataGridViewCell;
DataGridView grid = cell.DataGridView;
listBox.Parent = grid;
Rectangle r = grid.GetCellDisplayRectangle(cell.ColumnIndex, cell.RowIndex, true);
listBox.Location = new Point(r.left, r.Top);
listBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
_e.Handled = true;