I have decided that all my WPF pages need to register a routed event. Rather than include
public static readonly RoutedEvent MyEvent= EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MyEvent", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(BasePage));
on every page, I decided to create a base page (named BasePage). I put the above line of code in my base page and then changed a few of my other pages to derive from BasePage. I can't get passed this error:
Error 12 'CTS.iDocV7.BasePage' cannot be the root of a XAML file because it was defined using XAML. Line 1 Position 22. C:\Work\iDoc7\CTS.iDocV7\UI\Quality\QualityControlQueuePage.xaml 1 22 CTS.iDocV7
Does anyone know how to best create a base page when I can put events, properties, methods, etc that I want to be able to use from any wpf page?