




I have decided that all my WPF pages need to register a routed event. Rather than include

public static readonly RoutedEvent MyEvent= EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MyEvent", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(BasePage));

on every page, I decided to create a base page (named BasePage). I put the above line of code in my base page and then changed a few of my other pages to derive from BasePage. I can't get passed this error:

Error 12 'CTS.iDocV7.BasePage' cannot be the root of a XAML file because it was defined using XAML. Line 1 Position 22. C:\Work\iDoc7\CTS.iDocV7\UI\Quality\QualityControlQueuePage.xaml 1 22 CTS.iDocV7

Does anyone know how to best create a base page when I can put events, properties, methods, etc that I want to be able to use from any wpf page?

+2  A: 

I'm not sure on this one, but looking at your error, I would try to define the base class with just c# (.cs) code - do not create one with XAML, just a standard .cs file that extends the WPF Page class.

Daren Thomas
+9  A: 

Here's how I've done this in my current project.

First I've defined a class (as @Daren Thomas said - just a plain old C# class, no associated XAML file), like this (and yes, this is a real class - best not to ask):

public class PigFinderPage : Page
    /* add custom events and properties here */

Then I create a new Page and change its XAML declaration to this:

<my:PigFinderPage x:Class="Qaf.PigFM.WindowsClient.PenSearchPage"

So I declare it as a PigFinderPage in the "my" namespace. Any page-wide resources you need have to be declared using a similar syntax:

    <!-- your resources go here -->

Lastly, switch to the code-behind for this new page, and change its class declaration so that it derives from your custom class rather than directly from Page, like this:

public partial class EarmarkSearchPage : PigFinderPage

Remember to keep it as a partial class.

That's working a treat for me - I can define a bunch of custom properties and events back in "PigFinderPage" and use them in all the descendants.

Matt Hamilton
Ah yes. Any shared resources I'm using live external to the page. Some in App.xaml, some in resource dictionaries that I import as required.
Matt Hamilton
+2  A: 

Also, have a look at Attached Events and see if you can attach your event to every Page in your app. Might be easier than a custom intermediary class.

Matt Hamilton

Matt , its a great Answer m thank so much for your help.