




I have a list of Datapoints (List).


original list

I want a output list as



i.e I want to remove all the other points where X value duplicates.

One approach that I have is to loop through all the point and take the current point x value and compare it with rest of the list if it equals other points X value then remove that value.

How will I do that using LINQ or some extension method(Distinct)

+2  A: 

One approach with LINQ would be to group points by their X-coordinates, and then pick some arbitrary item from each group to produce the output.

var filtered = myList.GroupBy(point => point.XValue) // point's bucket depends on its X
                     .Select(group => group.First()) //pick first item from each bucket

EDIT: A simple way of doing it without LINQ:

var pointsByXCoord = new Dictionary<double, DataPoint>();

foreach(var point in myList)
   pointsByXCoord[point.XValue] = point;

var filtered = pointsByXCoord.Values;
Although this has worked for me, will it be a costly operation than a nested foreach??
@Mohit: In principle, this approach should be much faster than your original suggestion. The only way to find out is to measure, though.
+1  A: 

var enumerable = myList.Distinct() will return an IEnumerable<Datapoint> as long as the Datapoint has implemented the IEquatable<> interface.

Here is a nice article on the requirements for the custom type in order to be able to use Distinct() extension from LINQ:


If you need a list instead of an IEnumerable a ToList() extension is also provided.
