Recently a student got this quite by accident (or well, a side effect of incorrect xhtml/css). Is this possible to do in a cross-browser, automatic way with say a Wordpress article and custom html/css? (I.e., no php script or such.)
It's been a goal for me to at one point make a site that reads "like a book" rather than a scroll.
Edit: I should make the goal clear. It is to write a text with pictures using f.ex. TinyMCE or the like, and present it with typography and layout quality and 'overviewability' of classic technical magazines such as the early BYTE spreads, or science folios. I'll accept a php solution if no CSS trick will handle the overflow automatically. What I want to 'get rid of' is the need to manually chop up the say 5-page article into columns.
Perhaps LyX can generate out decent HTML with 1 file per 2-page spread? That would be an acceptable solution.