




I am trying to find some good articles for .Net developers on how to ensure Winforms apps work correctly for non-English users. Articles explaining potential pitfalls and advice on how to test for these pitfalls would be perfect - but I haven't yet found any yet.

Areas I am most interest in are: decimal amounts, Dates and setting file permissions for builtin Windows accounts.

So if you have any links like these handy, I'll be very grateful if you would share them.


+1  A: 

I would say the msdn documentation is pretty good and broad enough to answer your question.

Oren A
+2  A: 

If you want an introductory course on what i18n, L10n and g11n actually is, I have to recommend reading this book:

Developing International Software by Dr. International, Microsoft Press 2003

Although it is quite outdated in terms of API, it is great way to start learning this topic. There is also a MSDN blog by the author of this book.

I haven't read it, so I couldn't recommend it, but there is also a book dedicated specifically to .Net Internationalization:

.Net Internationalization by Guy Smith-Ferrier, Addison-Wesley Professional 2006

Oren A already gave you a link to MSDN, but I found this documentation both incomplete and hard to understand, especially for beginners.

Paweł Dyda