Is there a way to make https calls with the Network.Browser package.
I'm not seeing it in the documentation on Hackage.
If there isn't a way to do it with browse is there another way to fetch https pages?
My current test code is
import Network.HTTP
import Network.URI (parseURI)
import Network.HTTP.Proxy
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Network.Browser
retrieveUrl :: String -> IO String
retrieveUrl url = do
rsp <- browse $ request (Request (fromJust uri) POST [] "Body")
return $ snd (rspBody <$> rsp)
where uri = parseURI url
I've been running nc -l -p 8000 and watching the output. I see that it doesn't encrypt it when I do retrieveUrl https://localhost:8000
Also when I try a real https site I get:
Network.Browser.request: Error raised ErrorClosed
*** Exception: user error (Network.Browser.request: Error raised ErrorClosed)
Edit: Network.Curl solution (For doing a SOAP call)
import Network.Curl (curlGetString)
import Network.Curl.Opts
soapHeader s = CurlHttpHeaders ["Content-Type: text/xml", "SOAPAction: " ++ s]
proxy = CurlProxy ""
envelope = "myRequestEnvelope.xml"
headers = readFile envelope >>= (\x -> return [ soapHeader "myAction"
, proxy
, CurlPost True
, CurlPostFields [x]])
main = headers >>= curlGetString "https://service.endpoint"