



So I currently have a master DAO class ITrackingToolDAO that has all the Service Contracts for each of my business entities.

public partial interface ITrackingToolDAO {
    void Open(string connectionString);
    void Close();

    IBusinessFunctionDAO BusinessFunction { get; }
    IBusinessUnitDAO BusinessUnit { get; }
    IProgramBudgetDAO ProgramBudget { get; }
    IProjectDAO Project { get; }

My Service Contract looks like so

public partial interface IBusinessFunctionDAO {

    BusinessFunction GetBusinessFunction(Int32 businessFunctionId);

    IEnumerable<BusinessFunction> Find(string filter);

    SaveEventArgs<BusinessFunction>Save(BusinessFunction businessFunction);

I currently have 2 concrete implementations of my ITrackingToolDAO interface. The first one is TrackingToolSqlDAO which instantiates a concrete SQL DAO for each entity. i.e) BusinessFunctionSqlDAO, ProjectSqlDAO, etc.

The second one is a TrackingToolWCFDao which creates WCF proxys using ChannelFactory<T> to create an implementation for all my DAO members.

Now, I want to start using the Windsor WCF facility instead of CreateChannel. What would be the best way to accomplish this ?

I was thinking of creating a dummy implementation of ITrackingToolDAO that took in an IKernel parameter in the constructor.

public class DummyDAO: ITrackingToolDAO {
    public DummyDAO(IKernel kernel) {
        _ProjectDAO = kernel.Resolve<IProject>();

This way i could use the WCF Facility to create all my channels. I just don't like it cuz it's using the container as a service locator which is a code smell. Ideally I would also like it if I could have my SQL DAO and new WCF DAo both registered in the container so I could create either one by just referencing them by name.

Any thoughts ?