The quick answer is that Complement[Young] = FuzzyTrapeZoid[25,40,100,100]. Here is an image to show (in red) Young, and the complement in green.

Were you looking for an algorithm to solve this?
edit: adding more:
A generic fuzzy trapezoid is: FuzzyTrapeZoid[A,B,C,D]

The membership value is 0 up to A, then ramps from 0 to 1 between A and B, stays at 1 from B to C, then ramps from 1 to 0 between C and D. see page 3 of this intro (warning! pdf)
Since the complement of a fuzzy set = 1 - the membership function
, then you can pretty much see the values by inspection. For the original problem (which comes from Mathematica), the complement is a single function. For the generic one FuzzyTrapeZoid[A,B,C,D]
you will need 2 trapeziods to make the complement: FuzzyTrapeZoid[0,0,A,B] + FuzzyTrapeZoid[C,D,100,100]
For the Young membership function, it is 1 up to 25, so the complement will be 0 up to 25 (this yields [25,x,x,x] where x is yet to be determined). Since the Young membership function ramps to 0 between 25 and 40, it is clear that the complement will ramp from 0 to 1 in the same range (this yields the [25,40,x,x] where x is yet to be determined). Finally, since the Young membership function is 0 from 40 to 100, the complement will be 1 in the same range, this gives [x,40,100,100] (we knew from before that x = 25).
If you were looking for some more formal proof, I'm sorry, I do proofs poorly as I come from the Captain Kirk school of math: I can see it, and I can jump to the right answer, but I can't tell you exactly how I did it.