Hello everyone, I currently am using haproxy to do reverse_proxy on my end.
Unfortunately, I cannot get it to work!.
This is my config:
backend twisted
mode http
timeout connect 10s
timeout server 30s
balance roundrobin
server apache1 weight 1 maxconn 512
backend cometd
mode http
timeout connect 5s
timeout server 5m
balance roundrobin
server cometd1 weight 1 maxconn 10000
frontend http_proxy #arbitrary name for the frontend
bind *:80 #all interfaces at port 80
mode http
option forwardfor
option http-server-close
option http-pretend-keepalive
default_backend twisted #by default forward the requests to apache
acl req_cometd_path path_beg /comet/
use_backend cometd if req_cometd_path
acl req_cometd_host hdr_dom(host) -i comet.okiez.com
use_backend cometd if req_cometd_host
- If I try to access localhost/comet/test1/test2, haproxy forwards to the cometd backend correctly. However, the request path remains to be /comet/test1/test2, where my comet engine (orbited) doesn't handle the /comet/ part. Is there anyway to tell haproxy to drop the first /comet/ in the requests that gets directed to the cometd backend?
- As you can see, I have acl req_cometd_host hdr_dom(host) -i comet.okiez.com too. This simply stopped working. I don't know if accessing http://comet.localhost/test1/test2 or http://comet. makes any sense at all. How can I write acl req_cometd_host hdr_dom(host) -i to for localhost addresses?