I am new to repositories. I just read about implementing predicates and a Unit of Work (Fowler). I have seen repository interfaces like the following:
public interface IRepository<ET> {
ET Add( ET entity);
ET Remove( int id);
ET Get( int id);
IList<ET> Get(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate);
Of course the Unit of Work would inject a data context (Microsoft fan) to the new repository, where the Unit of Work would have a .Save() method, calling Save on all data contexts.
There's no Edit method, so I assume you can modify any Entity that pops out of the Repository then call save changes on the Unit of Work.
Is this correct? Leaky? What am I missing? Do methods of OrderBy need not ever be in a Repository? Should Paging (.Skip().Take()) somehow be implemented in the predicate?
Links to example code out there would be fantastic, especially how to implement the predicate in a repository.