



Hi, I have this css code that works fine in Chrome and Firefox but not in IE8:

 <script type="text/javascript">

     $('#ciao,#dialog_link, ul#icons li ').hover(
       function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover ui-corner-left '); }, 
       function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover ');}

And this html code:

    <a href="http://www.myhome"&gt;
   <label id="ciao" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-button-text-only ui-corner-left ui-corner-right ui-state-active" >
   <span id="ciao" class="ui-button-text ui-corner-left ui-corner-right">Home page</span></label></a>

   <a href="register.php">
   <label id="ciao" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-button-text-only ui-corner-left ui-corner-right ui-state-active" >
   <span id="ciao" class="ui-button-text ui-corner-left ui-corner-right">Put your logo!</span></label></img>

   <a href="faqs.html">
   <label id="ciao" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-button-text-only ui-corner-left ui-corner-right ui-state-active" >
   <span id="ciao" class="ui-button-text ui-corner-left ui-corner-right">FAQs</span></label></img>

   <a href="logos.html">
   <label id="ciao" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-button-text-only ui-corner-left ui-corner-right ui-state-active" >
   <span id="ciao" class="ui-button-text ui-corner-left ui-corner-right">Logos</span></label></img>

   <a href="contact.html">
   <label id="ciao" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-button-text-only ui-corner-left ui-corner-right ui-state-active" >
   <span id="ciao" class="ui-button-text ui-corner-left ui-corner-right">Contact us</span></label>

Why it is not working in IE8??

Thanks a lot.


It's because you're re-using IDs, and they should be uniue, change your elements to use class="caio" instead, and change your selector from #caio to .caio, like this:

  $('.ciao, #dialog_link, ul#icons li').hover(function() { 
    $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover ui-corner-left '); 
  }, function() { 
    $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover ');
Nick Craver
Ok now the hover function work. but if I click on a button it doesn't work....the browser don't go to the page linked. In Firefox work.
@michele - are you getting any script errors in IE?
Nick Craver
no....but I have solved (see my response)
<label onClick="document.location.href='';" class="ciao ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-button-text-only ui-corner-left ui-corner-right ui-state-active" >
<span class="ciao ui-button-text ui-corner-left ui-corner-right">Contact us</span></label>