I'm currently using the following code for my read more buttons:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a.more-link").attr("href", "");
$("a.more-link").attr("onclick", "return false;");
$('.readmore').each(function(index) {
var $link = $(this);
$(".readmore").prependTo('.' + $link.attr("id") + ' > #bottominfo');
$('.readmore').click(function() {
var $link = $(this);
if ( $link.attr("alt") == "read more" ) {
$('.' + $link.attr("id") + ' > #maincontent').load($link.attr("title") + ' #mainarticle', function(index) {
$('.' + $link.attr("id") + ' > #maincontent').hide();
$('.' + $link.attr("id") + ' > #maincontent').slideToggle('slow');
$('.' + $link.attr("id") + ' > #maincontent').attr("class", $link.attr("id"));
$link.attr('alt','read less');
} else {
$('#'+ $link.attr("id") + ' > .' + $link.attr("id")).hide();
return false;
The problem I'm having is that if the user double clicks (or more) on the button it calls the function multiple times.
How do I make the button non-clickable until the .load() have finished?