




Hy everybody!

I've made a silverlight project(a card game) with WCF service hosting, and I test it on localhost. How can I connect with other computer to my own localhost? (


If you used VS hosted web server (aka Cassini), you can't access it from outside localhost. You need to deploy your service to IIS (for instance) to make it available to others.

vc 74
is it possible, that i install IIS service to my computer(in win7 is available to torn on that)? Will this it work?
Yes, IIS can be installed on W7 (but it's not free...)
vc 74
but now i have installed it to my computer...and it is work,the localhost screen is changed for example
It may be more practical to transform your wcf service into a self-hosted service, so that you don't need IIS on every machine you are testing the server on.
Francesco De Vittori
so, if a make a self hosted service,and run it on my localhost,than other computers can see this too?
Yup, that's how it works. Self-hosting also gives you certain other advantages, like the ability to use the Net.TCP binding without worrying about the specific *version* of IIS that's on the machine. (Net.TCP only works on IIS if it's version 7 or above.) The one caveat (and it's significant) is that for Silverlight to access your service, you'll need to serve up a ClientAccessPolicy.xml file, either over HTTP on port 80 (the default in SL4) or via TCP on port 943. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc645032(VS.95).aspx.
Ken Smith
and is there eny kind of options tu run my silverlight web app from my homa WITHOUT iis server?
I want to make a card game, between two people,and it is needed to identify them...i have tried tcp socket communication,but it is not allowed in Silverlight :(
so i need a technology or any options to run my Sl app from home,that users can connect to it
this is my graduate work