Pretty sure RichTextBox should be your answer.
You would have a RichTextBox containing a FlowDocument containing your Tables.
From that first article:
The RichTextBox control enables you to
display or edit flow content including
paragraphs, images, tables, and more.
This topic introduces the TextBox
class and provides examples of how to
use it in both Extensible Application
Markup Language (XAML) and C#.
<!-- One or more Block-derived object… -->
When content is copied from a RichTextBox, it's treated as standard RTF, so Word will recognize most (if not all) of the formatting.
Interesting thought: FlowDocuments are closely related to the XPS file format, which Windows 7/Vista can print natively to. There's a huge amount of interoperability between Silverlight/WPF/XPS and to some extent even Word 2007 docx files.
I even faintly remember editing an XPS file in Visual Studio's WPF designer -- though don't quote me on that, since it was quite a few years ago and I don't remember what exactly I did.