



I'm looking for the correct version of this class for Caliburn.Micro

public class WebServiceResult : IResult where T : new()

The above signature is from the ContactManager example in the full Caliburn framework. It does not cut and paste directly into a Micro-based project. There are too many missing classes to use this directly. Thoughts? or anyone know of the replacement?

+2  A: 

Event though the underlying infrastructure is very different in Caliburn Micro (which is based on System.Windows.Interactivity), the concepts are pretty much the same.

Here is the CM version:

public class WebServiceResult<T, K> : IResult
    where T : new()
    where K : EventArgs

    readonly static Func<bool> ALWAYS_FALSE_GUARD= () => false;
    readonly static Func<bool> ALWAYS_TRUE_GUARD = () => true;

    private readonly Action<K> _callback;
    private readonly Expression<Action<T>> _serviceCall;

    private ActionExecutionContext _currentContext;
    private Func<bool> _originalGuard;

    public WebServiceResult(Expression<Action<T>> serviceCall)
        _serviceCall = serviceCall;

    public WebServiceResult(Expression<Action<T>> serviceCall, Action<K> callback)
        _serviceCall = serviceCall;
        _callback = callback;

    public event EventHandler<ResultCompletionEventArgs> Completed = delegate { };

    public void Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)
        _currentContext = context;

        //if you would to disable the control that caused the service to be called, you could do this:

        var lambda = (LambdaExpression)_serviceCall;
        var methodCall = (MethodCallExpression)lambda.Body;
        var eventName = methodCall.Method.Name.Replace("Async", "Completed");
        var eventInfo = typeof(T).GetEvent(eventName);

        var service = new T();

        eventInfo.AddEventHandler(service, new EventHandler<K>(OnEvent));


    public void OnEvent(object sender, K args)
        //re-enable the control that caused the service to be called:

        if (_callback != null)

        Completed(this, new ResultCompletionEventArgs());

    private void ChangeAvailability(bool isAvailable)
        if (_currentContext == null) return;

        if (!isAvailable) {
            _originalGuard = _currentContext.CanExecute;
            _currentContext.CanExecute = ALWAYS_FALSE_GUARD;
        else if (_currentContext.CanExecute == ALWAYS_FALSE_GUARD) {

            _currentContext.CanExecute = _originalGuard ?? ALWAYS_TRUE_GUARD;



Marco Amendola