In NERDTree ShiftT opens file in a new tab, but tab is positioned after the tab in which NERDTree is opened.
It is possible to open the new tab at the end of tabs?
In NERDTree ShiftT opens file in a new tab, but tab is positioned after the tab in which NERDTree is opened.
It is possible to open the new tab at the end of tabs?
I suggest you edit the plugin and remap it to :tablast
before :tabnew
Create the file ~/.vim/ftplugin/nerdtree.vim
with the following contents, then you will not have to edit NERDTree itself:
if exists('b:haveRemappedT')
let b:haveRemappedT=1
let s:oldmap=maparg('T', 'n')
function! s:LastTab()
let tab=tabpagenr()
execute "tabmove ".tabpagenr('$')
execute "tabn ".tab
execute 'nnoremap <buffer> T '.s:oldmap.':call <SID>LastTab()<CR>'