



The following LINQ to SQL query is splitting the date into pieces. It seems odd that a date comparison would use the following generated SQL statement.

var customers = 
(from c in db.customers
 where c.servhists.Any(sh => sh.donedate.Value.Date >= startDate.Date
                && sh.donedate.Value.Date <= endDate.Date
                && sh.donedate.Value.AddDays(triggerDays).Date <= DateTime.Now.Date)

produces the following SQL Query for MS SQL Server 2008


WHERE (DATEADD(HOUR, -DATEPART(HOUR, [t3].[donedate]), DATEADD(MINUTE, -DATEPART(MINUTE, [t3].[donedate]), DATEADD(SECOND, -DATEPART(SECOND, [t3].[donedate]), DATEADD(MILLISECOND, -DATEPART(MILLISECOND, [t3].[donedate]), [t3].[donedate])))) >= '6/7/2010') AND (DATEADD(HOUR, -DATEPART(HOUR, [t3].[donedate]), DATEADD(MINUTE, -DATEPART(MINUTE, [t3].[donedate]), DATEADD(SECOND, -DATEPART(SECOND, [t3].[donedate]), DATEADD(MILLISECOND, -DATEPART(MILLISECOND, [t3].[donedate]), [t3].[donedate])))) <= '8/8/2010') AND (DATEADD(HOUR, -DATEPART(HOUR, DATEADD(ms, (CONVERT(BigInt,3 * 86400000)) % 86400000, DATEADD(day, (CONVERT(BigInt,3 * 86400000)) / 86400000, [t3].[donedate]))), DATEADD(MINUTE, -DATEPART(MINUTE, DATEADD(ms, (CONVERT(BigInt,3 * 86400000)) % 86400000, DATEADD(day, (CONVERT(BigInt,3 * 86400000)) / 86400000, [t3].[donedate]))), DATEADD(SECOND, -DATEPART(SECOND, DATEADD(ms, (CONVERT(BigInt,3 * 86400000)) % 86400000, DATEADD(day, (CONVERT(BigInt,3 * 86400000)) / 86400000, [t3].[donedate]))), DATEADD(MILLISECOND, -DATEPART(MILLISECOND, DATEADD(ms, (CONVERT(BigInt,3 * 86400000)) % 86400000, DATEADD(day, (CONVERT(BigInt,3 * 86400000)) / 86400000, [t3].[donedate]))), DATEADD(ms, (CONVERT(BigInt,3 * 86400000)) % 86400000, DATEADD(day, (CONVERT(BigInt,3 * 86400000)) / 86400000, [t3].[donedate])))))) <= '10/22/2010')

.. donedate is a nullable column of type DateTime

I can't imagine this helps performance much. Can anyone suggest a fix/correction that I could do to get rid of this ugly SQL?