Any help here as I'm a C# noob. The following code works fine and returns 1 string ViewState2. I'd like it to return an array of ViewState2 and EventValidation2 so I can manipulate it later on. How would I convert the code below to return an array?
public string get_status(string local_fname)
var dts_doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
//Pull the values
var ViewState = dts_doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/input[4]/@value[1]");
var EventValidation = dts_doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/input[1]/@value[1]");
string ViewState2 = ViewState.Attributes[3].Value;
string EventValidation2 = EventValidation.Attributes[3].Value;
//Display the values
return ViewState2;