Hai, here is the scenario, i have a set of input values say 2000, and the corresponding out put values, the sampling rate was 2000 samples/sec, and a sinusoidal wave of 50hz was used, so how do I calculate the frequency response from this varaiables, what i did in matlab was, i called all the input values and took the fft of it, o=data(input), n=length(o);fs=2000 %sampliing frequency; y=fft(o,n), phase=angle(y), Pha=180*phase/pi(); m=length(y); f=(0:m-1)*fs/m; semilogx(f,Pha), grid on and the response was taken at 90 degree phase angle, is this the right way,
could i create a model from the datas i have and do the frequency response or is there any other way to calculate the response, i am new to matlab and need help