


> e = Event.first
> e.registration_start_utc  #registration_start_utc is a datetime column
 => Sat, 23 Oct 2010 06:38:00 UTC +00:00 
> e.registration_start_utc.utc?
 => true 
> ActiveSupport::TimeZone.find_tzinfo("America/New_York").utc_to_local(e.registration_start_utc)
 => Sat, 23 Oct 2010 02:38:00 UTC +00:00

2 questions about this:

1) Why is that last output showing "UTC" -- the hour got converted (6 => 2) but it still says UTC. Why not EST/EDT?

2) What happens after daylight savings time switches over and the offset for New York moves from -4 to -5? The value in the DB doesn't change so my only conclusion is that my app will start showing "1:38" everywhere instead of the correct 2:38?

I'm mostly concerned with #2 here. #1 is more of a curiosity.
