You also can consider to use Eneter Messaging Framework.
It is lightweight and very easy to use.
I am sorry, I am not familiar with VB syntax, but in C# the whole implementation
is here: (You can copy paste the code into your project, include Eneter.Messaging.Framework.dll and change the IP to yours.)
The server listening to string messages.
using System;
using Eneter.Messaging.EndPoints.StringMessages;
using Eneter.Messaging.MessagingSystems.MessagingSystemBase;
using Eneter.Messaging.MessagingSystems.TcpMessagingSystem;
namespace StringReceiver
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create Tcp based messaging.
IMessagingSystemFactory aTcpMessaging = new TcpMessagingSystemFactory();
IInputChannel anInputChannel = aTcpMessaging.CreateInputChannel("");
// Create string message receiver
// Note: it is possible to receiver typed messages too.
IStringMessagesFactory aStringMessagesFactory = new StringMessagesFactory();
IStringMessageReceiver aStringMessageReceiver = aStringMessagesFactory.CreateStringMessageReceiver();
aStringMessageReceiver.MessageReceived += StringMessageReceived;
// Attach the input channel to the string message receiver
// and start listening.
Console.WriteLine("String sercer is listening.");
// Processing messages.
static void StringMessageReceived(object sender, StringMessageEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Received message: " + e.Message);
The client sending the string messages:
using Eneter.Messaging.EndPoints.StringMessages;
using Eneter.Messaging.MessagingSystems.MessagingSystemBase;
using Eneter.Messaging.MessagingSystems.TcpMessagingSystem;
namespace StringMessageSender
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create Tcp based messaging.
IMessagingSystemFactory aTcpMessaging = new TcpMessagingSystemFactory();
IOutputChannel anOutputChannel = aTcpMessaging.CreateOutputChannel("");
// Create string message receiver
// Note: it is possible to receiver typed messages too.
IStringMessagesFactory aStringMessagesFactory = new StringMessagesFactory();
IStringMessageSender aStringMessageSender = aStringMessagesFactory.CreateStringMessageSender();
// Attach the output channel to the string message sender
// so that we can send messages via Tcp to desired Ip address.
// Send message.
aStringMessageSender.SendMessage("Hello world.");
Eneter Messaging Framework can be downloaded at
If you would like to get more technical info:
More examples: