I'd like to see if it is feasible to have a type class for converting one thing into another and back again from a mapping of [(a,b)]
This example should illustrate what I'd like to do:
data XX = One | Two | Three deriving (Show, Eq)
data YY = Eno | Owt | Eerht deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Convert XX YY where
mapping = [(One, Eno), (Two, Owt), (Three, Eerht)]
-- // How can I make this work?:
main = do print $ (convert One :: YY) -- Want to output: Eno
print $ (convert Owt :: XX) -- Want to output: Two
Here's my stab at making this work:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Data.Maybe(fromJust)
lk = flip lookup
flipPair = uncurry $ flip (,)
class (Eq a, Eq b) => Convert a b where
mapping :: [(a, b)]
mapping = error "No mapping defined"
convert :: a -> b
convert = fromJust . lk mapping
-- // This won't work:
instance (Convert a b) => Convert b a where
convert = fromJust . lk (map flipPair mapping)
It is easy to do this with defining two instances for the conversion going either way but I'd like to only have to declare one as in the first example. Any idea how I might do this?
Edit: By feasible I mean, can this be done without overlapping instances any other nasty extensions?