



What can be done to resolve the exception:

CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.InternalException: Failed to open a rowset.


This is a generic error in Crystal Reports whenever the report query fails. There can be a number of causes. If your report was targeted to a specific database and then the database was changed without updated the report, this can cause it. It can also be caused by something in the query itself failing, such as if the report is based on a stored procedure that doesn't exist on the database against which the report is running. Try verifying the database for the report.

Ryan Morlok
Although this was not the resolution to my specific issue, I feel it is the most relevant to my question.
Joshua Drake
@Joshua Drake: what **was** the (re)solution of your problem?!? I'm facing the same error message and can't seem to find a solution for it...
Unfortunately the report was rewritten, and in that process began to work again. I would recommend, in addition to all the answers on this page, that you make sure you have the latest service packs installed for Crystal.
Joshua Drake

This is caused by some discrepancy in your relations, like opposite left joins or something similar. CR has also the bad habit to create 'default' links each time you modify the list of tables and views needed for the report. It can even sometimes automatically create recursive links that might not be viewable 'at once' in the relations screen.

If you cannot find which relation(s) is causing the trouble (sometimes it is not so obvious), you'll have to make some trial & errors test by adding/removing tables from your report.

Philippe Grondier

Every time you add a new table in crystal it adds its own links on already linked tables, some times it even links the 2 fields from the same table. Make sure you know your links in order to go through after you add a table and scroll all tables to see for any links create from to the same table


I received :

CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.InternalException was unhandled Message=The Report Application Server failed

Google brought me here. For those that have similar problems.

For the record: I had a byte[] array with an image and removed the log from the report and the error stopped. I now have to figure out what I have done wrong with the logo.


i hv the same problem too when i tried to changed the datasource, but with the same stored procedure(different database/server) to fix it?wht actually happend in crystal report? sometime i need to build a new report.. ah..i using CR 9...


I had this problem - we use SQL logins for our security (not integrated / DSN connections)

By granting execute permissions to the user for my stored procedure I fixed the problem.

Really, really couldn't hate Crystal more for their exception masking - let this be a lesson to all programmers;

   'your code here
   Throw new exception("Hey, here's a really friendly but completely useless error message")
End Try

will result in pain for future developers - DON'T DO IT!
