



Hi all, I'm trying to write ObjectQuery with few consistent GroupJoin, it means that there should be one main table selection + few additional LEFT JOIN. I'm doing it as following, with SelectMany method, because without it I can't access field RoleID :

var routesQuery = entities.Routes.Join(
                    Routes => Routes.LocaleID,
                    Locales => Locales.LocaleID,
                    (Routes, Locales) => new { Routes = Routes }
                    Routes => Routes.Routes.RouteID,
                    LinkRolesPermissions => LinkRolesPermissions.EntityID,
                    (Routes, LinkRolesPermissions) => new 
                        LinkRolesPermissions = LinkRolesPermissions,
                        RoleID = LinkRolesPermissions.SelectMany(
                            LRS => LRS.RoleID,
                            (LRS, RoleID) => new { RoleID = LRS.RoleID }
                    LinkRolesPermissions => LinkRolesPermissions.RoleID, 
                    (LinkRolesPermissions, RoleID) => new { RoleID = RoleID }
                    LRS => LRS.RoleID, 
                    RLS => RLS.RoleId, 
                    (LRS, RLS) => new { LRS = LRS }

All is working, BUT it is working as INNER JOIN in some way, i realized that SelectMany method causes this behavior. It generates this query :

SELECT  1 AS [C1],  1 AS [C2],  [Extent3].[RoleID] AS [RoleID] FROM   [dbo].[Routes] AS [Extent1] 
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Locales] AS [Extent2] ON ([Extent1].[LocaleID] = [Extent2].[LocaleID]) OR (([Extent1].[LocaleID] IS NULL) AND ([Extent2].[LocaleID] IS NULL)) 
INNER JOIN [dbo].[LinkRolesPermissions] AS [Extent3] ON ([Extent1].[RouteID] = [Extent3].[EntityID]) OR (([Extent1].[RouteID] IS NULL) AND ([Extent3].[EntityID] IS NULL))

I removed it and got the following error :

var routesQuery = entities.Routes.Join(
                    Routes => Routes.LocaleID,
                    Locales => Locales.LocaleID,
                    (Routes, Locales) => new { Routes = Routes }
                    Routes => Routes.Routes.RouteID,
                    LinkRolesPermissions => LinkRolesPermissions.EntityID,
                    (Routes, LinkRolesPermissions) => new 
                        LinkRolesPermissions = LinkRolesPermissions,
                        RoleID = LinkRolesPermissions.SelectMany(
                            LRS => LRS.RoleID,
                            (LRS, RoleID) => new { RoleID = LRS.RoleID }
                    LRS => LRS.RoleID, 
                    RLS => RLS.RoleId, 
                    (LRS, RLS) => new { LRS = LRS }

The type arguments for method 'System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectMany(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Func>, System.Func)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.

Could somebody explain me this behavior, please, and advise how to fix it if possible.

Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

You're trying to eagerly load related objects. Use the Include method to do that.

IQueryable<Route> query = 
  from route in entities.Routes.Include("LinkRolesPermissions.aspnet_Roles")
  where route.Locales.Any()
  select route;

For this to work, you'll have to set up Navigation Properties.

PS: you don't have to project into an anonymous type each time:

(Routes, Locales) => new { Routes = Routes } 

Could be

(Routes, Locales) => Routes
David B
I thought that I can use Include only name of the field i merge tables by is the same. And in my case fields are different. LRS => LRS.RoleID, RLS => RLS.RoleId. It also could be - LRS => LRS.RoleID, RLS => RLS.EntityID
Well, you'd create two navigation properties in that case. Each navigation property would represent a different relationship.
David B