



Hi, I have this HTML code:

<div id="content">
  <div class="profile_photo">
   <img style="float:left;margin-right:7px;" src=";d=identicon" class="profile_img" alt="{username}"/>
  <div class="container" id="status-#">
   <div class="message">
    <span class="username">{username} Debugr Rocks!
   <div class="info">24-oct-2010, 14:05 GMT · <a href="#" class="toggle_comment" title="Comment">Comment (5)</a> · <a href="#" title="Flag" class="toggle_flag">Flag</a> · Via <a href="#" title="Twitter">Twitter</a>
   <div class="comment_container">
    <div class="profile_photo">
     <img style="float:left;margin-right:7px;" src=";d=identicon" class="profile_img" alt="{username}"/>
    <div class="comment_message">
     <span class="username"><a href="#" title="{username}">{username}</a></span> Debugr Rocks! XD
    <div class="comment_info">24-oct-2010</div>
  <div class="profile_photo">
   <img style="float:left;margin-right:7px;" src=";d=identicon" class="profile_img" alt="{username}"/>

That is repeated two or more times. What I want to do, is to when I click the "Comments (5)" link, the class "comment_container" appears, but only the one in the same "container" class.

It's this possible?

+1  A: 

You can use .closest() to go up to the .container then .find() to look inside it, like this:

$(".toggle_comment").click(function() { 

You can try it here, if you're curious about finding other things relative to this here's a full list of the Tree Traversal functions.

As an aside, there's an error in your HTML that needs correcting, this:

<span class="username">{username} Debugr Rocks! </div>

Should be:

<span class="username">{username} Debugr Rocks! </span>
Nick Craver
But, is it possible to start hided, and then when someone clicks that, shows the .comment_container?
@Francesc - absolutely, just add `.comment_container { display: none; }` to your CSS, like this: (I used `.toggle()` for the demo, `.show()` works the same for *only* showing if that's what you're after).
Nick Craver
Thank you very much!