



Is there a way to "cascade" new column information down through the subsequent data flow transformations when I add a new column? My current practice is to open each tranformation in sequence and verify that the new column is available. If it isn't, I delete and recreate the transformation. I can't believe there isn't a better way to do this.


If you've already created the data flow and then alter or add a derived column transformation, the data flow usually doesn't automatically update subsequent transformations. However, your approach to open (edit) each transformation in sequence should force the transformation to update.

I don't recall any times where a transformation doesn't update with new inputs, but when it happens to you, you might want to delete and recreate the data-flow path. You may have less work to do to recreate the data-flow path.

Somehow I feel better going through these steps when there isn't an obvious easier approach. Thanks again SO and bobs.
Ross Morrissey