Hi guys I want to print in awk line and character ' after the line, but awk put the character in the middle of the line. Here is my code :
awk -v d="'" {print $0 d}
i am using bash2 thanks for help
Hi guys I want to print in awk line and character ' after the line, but awk put the character in the middle of the line. Here is my code :
awk -v d="'" {print $0 d}
i am using bash2 thanks for help
awk -v d="'" '{print $0 d }'
Note the single quotes around the command.
Use dos2unix on your file, and try the command again.
Or do something like this
awk -v d="'" '{gsub(/[[:space:]]/,"");print $0 d }' file
Finally i get it work. With sub(/\r$/,"") befoure print thanks for help