


+1  Q: 

C macro for printf

Is it possible to write a Macro (using token concatenation) that returns fmt for printf ? Eg.

#define STR_FMT(x) ...code-here...

STR_FMT(10) expands to "%10s"

STR_FMT(15) expands to "%15s"

... etc.

So that I can use this macro inside a printf:

printf(STR_FMT(10), "*");
+5  A: 
#define STR_FMT(x) "%" #x "s"
Armen Tsirunyan
I'll delete my answer ;)
+7  A: 

You can, but I think it might be better to use the capability printf() has to specify the field size and/or precision dynamically:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // specify the field size dynamically
    printf( ":%*s:\n", 10, "*");
    printf( ":%*s:\n", 15, "*");

    // specify the precision dynamically
    printf( "%.*s\n", 10, "******************************************");
    printf( "%.*s\n", 15, "******************************************");

    return 0;

This has the advantage of not using the preprocessor and also will let you use variables or functions to specify the field width instead of literals.

If you do decide to use macros instead, please use the # operator indirectly (and the ## operator if you use it elsewhere) like so:

// macros to allow safer use of the # and ## operators
#define STRINGIFY2( x) #x

#define STR_FMTB(x) "%" STRINGIFY(x) "s"

Otherwise if you decide to use macros to specify the field width, you'll get undesired behavior (as described in

Michael Burr
I'd upvote this twice if I could.
Matteo Italia
+1 for mentioning `%*`, and figuring out that OP probably wants to pass variables and not compile-time constants to this macro.