




Hi. I'm writing a function that should parse a string containing a description of a dice roll, for instance "2*1d8+2". I extract the four values OK when they are integers, but I want to be able to use floats as well for the multiplier and the addition at the end. Things get nasty when I try to parse such a string: "1.8*1d8+2.5".

I have determined that the problem is with the function strcspn. I ask it to parse the input string s (which contains the dice string) and stop at either an asterisk or an 'x':

const char * s = "1.8*1d8+2.5";
size_t l = strcspn(s,"*x");

The function should return 3, as the asterisk is at the 4th position. However, it seems to stop on the decimal separator (period) and returns 1.

It's not that I can't continue writing my function without this, as there are other ways to get things done, but still I'm curious why such a thing would happen. Has anyone ever encountered this problem before?


Nevermind, I've found the answer, and it was my stupidity rather than the compiler playing tricks on me. I used this code:

if (l = strcspn(s,"*x") < strlen(s)) {

which returned 1 (or true) because strcspn(s,"*x") < strlen(s) evaluates to true - and was assigned to the l variable. I should have added parentheses:

if ((l = strcspn(s,"*x")) < strlen(s)) {

Thanks for your answers nonetheless, particularly @sleske, who made me analyse my code more deeply (which led to finding the answer).


I'd use sscanf instead of manually finding stop points and parsing myself. You can get your integers and floats easily out of the string with that.

Santiago Lezica
Yes, I know. I'm not looking for an alternative solution, because there are multiple options available. I'm just wondering why `strcspn` would stop on the period instead of either `*` or `x`.
+1  A: 

There must be an error somewhere else. I wrote a test program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void main(){
  const char * s = "1.8*1d8+2.5";
  size_t l = strcspn(s,"*x");
  printf("l: %d\n", l);

and compiled it with gcc on Linux. On my system, it outputs "3".

Please post a complete, working example that exhibits the problem. Then we'll see...


This code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void)
    const char * s = "1.8*1d8+2.5";
    size_t l = strcspn(s,"*x");
    printf("<<%s>> %zd <<%s>>\n", s, l, s+l);
    return 0;

produces this answer on MacOS 10.6.4 (GCC 4.5.1):

<<1.8*1d8+2.5>> 3 <<*1d8+2.5>>

If your compiler and library does not produce the same answer, get a fixed/upgraded version of the software.

(NB: The 'z' modifier in the printf() format string is a C99 feature - it indicates that the type of the parameter is size_t.)

Jonathan Leffler
+1  A: 

Your code works just as you posted it for me1.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void) {
  const char * s = "1.8*1d8+2.5";
  size_t l = strcspn(s,"*x");
  printf("%zd (%.*s)\n", l, (int)l, s);
  return 0;
so ross$ ./a.out
3 (1.8)

1. Mac OS X 10.6.4
