



Hello all,

I have two entities event and time. The event entity has a 1 to many relationship to time entities as each event can be performed multiple times. Now I want to display all the events chronologically in a tableView. So I set up a fetchedResultsController to fetch all time objects, sort them according to the start time and display the event information by using the relationship to the event object. So far so good. But now if the user tabs an entry in the table I pass an event object to the detailViewController where the event can be edited.

The problem is that now only the event entity is marked as updated. I found this out by looking at the userInfo directory of the NSManagedObjectDidChange notification. In consequence the delegate methods on the FRC are not fired as no time objects have been changed.

How can I manually mark a time object as changed to make the FRC recognize the changes and update the cells accordingly? I tried firing the KVO methods willChangeValueForKey and didChangeValueForKey but it did not work so far.

Thanks alot Thomas