I've come up with the call that gets the user's UI font preference (as opposed to Borland's hard-coded choice of "MS Sans Serif").
Let's pretend the user's font preference is:
Segoe Print, 15pt
I set the font of all items, on all forms, in all applications to:
Segoe Print, 15pt
Problem is that things are now cut off. Buttons are too small - too narrow, too short. Text in labels is cut off, etc..
The form has it's Scaled property, but that doesn't change depending on font sizes. The scaled property scaled the form when it is serialized in based on the height of the numeral "0".
I can't find anything in the help for how Borland intended me to support the user's Windows application preferences.
How do I handle user font preferences?
Note: I cross posted this from Embargadero's news group server, since Embargadero's news server seems to be dying, or censoring, or broken, or requiring a login.
Update 1
i'm talking about a user's font preference, not DPI settings. i.e.: imagine the following language neutral pseudo-code:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
FontFace: string;
FontHeight: Integer;
GetUserFontPreference(out FontFace, out FontHeight);
Self.Font.Name := FontFace;
Self.Font.Height := FontHeight;
Note: This isn't my actual code (it is language neutral pseudo-code after all). But additionally, you need to recursivly go through every control on the form, changing the font when it needs to be changed. When a font has a different style applied than its parent (e.g. bold), and no longer inherits from its parent, it needs to be manually set.
As per lkessler's request, here's the code to retrieve the user's UI font preference from Windows:
procedure GetUserFontPreference(out FaceName: string; out PixelHeight: Integer);
ZeroMemory(@lf, SizeOf(lf));
//Yes IconTitleFont (not SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS MessageFont)
if SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, SizeOf(lf), @lf, 0) then
FaceName := PChar(Addr(lf.lfFaceName[0]));
PixelHeight := lf.lfHeight;
If we can't get it, then assume the same non-user preferences that
everyone else does.
FaceName := 'MS Shell Dlg 2';
PixelHeight := 8;