I found that dictionary lookup could be very slow if compared to flat array access. Any idea why? I'm using Ants Profiler for performance testing. Here's a sample function that reproduces the problem:
private static void NodeDisplace()
var nodeDisplacement = new Dictionary<double, double[]>();
var times = new List<double>();
for (int i = 0; i < 6000; i++)
times.Add(i * 0.02);
foreach (var time in times)
nodeDisplacement.Add(time, new double[6]);
var five = 5;
var six = 6;
int modes = 10;
var arrayList = new double[times.Count*6];
for (int i = 0; i < modes; i++)
int k=0;
foreach (var time in times)
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
var simpelCompute = five * six; // 0.027 sec
nodeDisplacement[time][j] = simpelCompute; //0.403 sec
arrayList[6*k+j] = simpelCompute; //0.0278 sec
Notice the relative magnitude between flat array access and dictionary access? Flat array is about 20 times faster than dictionary access ( 0.403/0.0278), after taking into account of the array index manipulation ( 6*k+j
As weird as it sounds, but dictionary lookup is taking a major portion of my time, and I have to optimize it.