I''m using swfobject in joomla and generate dynamic xml's (writing a file) to load slideshow to my listings.
The problem is only in IE where slideshow do not change from last one when change my listings.
It looks like a cache problem tried to add: slideshow.swf?t=" + new Date().getTime(), with no luck :(
Code for xml
$xml .="
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<data random='$r'>
foreach ($images as $img)
$xml .= "<img path='".JURI::base()."components/comp/uploads/image/".$img['mfile']."'><![CDATA[<span class='big'>".$img['mtitle']."</span><br /><span class='normal'>".$img['mdescription']."</span>]]></img>";
$xml .="
$file = JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE.DS.'uploads'.DS.'xml'.DS.'source.xml';
JFile::write($file, $xml);
enter code here