



I'm wondering which books a non technical manager has to read to get a good understanding of software development, without an overrun of technical terms.

Thanks in advance


The question is mainly about books which do not explain much technical, but more the general flow and common pitfalls that occur when executing a software project. My manager does not have to know what a switch statement is or what's the best practice when doing some refactoring.

Edit 2

In the meantime I found a book: "The day the phones stopped" by Leonard Lee. Which description does meet my requirement. Other suggestions are welcome though!

@Lekensteyn: Doesn't matter actually. In my case it is about webdevelopment (PHP + Apache + MySQL). Look at my first edit for the extra information.

+1  A: 

Some classics:

The Mythical Man Month (still worth reading even though it was written some time ago!).

Peopleware (or Slack, as Peopleware can be difficult to get now)

Software Project Survival Guide

Code Complete

You should probably read something on Agile development too, but I'm not sure what to recommend there. There are a lot of not very good books in that area. Start with

UML Distilled (which is really about much more than UML, and is excellent)

The same author's


is worth a scan to see what the fuss is about

This list is missing something that communicates the sheer joy of programming (which it can be some times!) . Any suggestions?
