I'm trying to find all the paths between 2 nodes in a grid, and the path has to go through all the node from start to end. Example (Start = S, End = E)
0 0 0
0 S 0
0 0 E
The answer for the above is 2 paths: (ignore the '.''s)
0 S-0
0 S 0
0-0 E
I thought of using recursing, but gave that up due to the high overhead of each call...and decided to go with an iterative approach using a stack. (kind of like recursing but not...fixed memory overhead). The solution works great for grids of size (4x7), but tried it on an 8x8 grid...and it didn't finish in 4 hours...which sort of makes sense since the total number of possibilities is around 3**62 (approx), as each node that is not on the edge has 3 possible ways of traversal...and hence that solution fails.
I thought of splitting the 8x8 grid into 2, using a vertical and horizontal split...but this would lead to finding less than ideal paths.
Is there something that I'm missing???? Can something be done to make it go faster? I will post the solution that I have tomorrow (done in C).